Updated: I keep updating this list as more tips come to mind or someone shares some.
With all the flu variations going around and schools closing, I have been pondering disinfecting my house. I've had friends make the comment for years when a little one was sick "I've just finished disinfecting my house". This past week I've been asking what that means to several friends. I thought I'd share their tips and mine on disinfecting the house and preventing the sharing of germs - even though I don't do all of them but I think about it.
1. Use a Clorox wipe to wipe all lightswitches and doorknobs. Also wipe telephones, remotes, Wii remotes, television buttons, front of VCR, etc. More things to wipe down - refrigerator handles, oven door handle, microwave buttons, faucet handles, cabinet handles, toilet handle, thermostat. Do this at least every other day.
2. Wash hand towels every day; give each person their own hand towel.
3. Replace hand towels in bathroom with paper towels.
4. Replace toothbrush/toothbrush head after illness; or run through dishwasher to disinfect.
5. Change clothes and wash hands immediately after getting home from school or event with lots of other people.
6. Wash pillowcases several times a week and immediately after being ill; wash sheets once a week and immediately after illness.
7. Spray all surfaces with Lysol every other day if not ill, every day if ill.
8. Wipe down hard surfaces with Clorox wipes every other day if not ill, every day if ill.
9. Spray Oust for 10 seconds in each room every other day if not ill, every day if ill.
10. Don't share drinks with others.
11. Cough/sneeze into inside of elbow or into kleenex; throw kleenex away instead of piling beside bed (I personally NEVER do this :) ); wash hands after sneezing or coughing.
12. Wash hands often.
13. Don't touch face.
14. Don't forget to wipe down the computer keyboard and mouse plus lamp switches.
15. Give each kid their own tube of toothpaste instead of sharing.
Do you have any additional tips/suggestions to add to this list?
For other tips today, enjoy Works for Me Wednesday at We Are THAT Family!
3 hours ago